In Helsingborg you get to co-create the future!

Rugare Tambo is currently a Master Student at Lunds University Campus Helsingborg where she just started her second semester at the Strategic Communications Programme. She was born and raised in Harare, the capital city in Zimbabwe and prior to coming to Helsingborg she lived 6 years in the USA where she did her undergraduate in Performing Arts in New York and and Major in Global Communications in Buffalo. 

What are your top 3 things about living in Helsingborg?

– The pace is very liveable, not as crazy as in New York, but definitely not too slow.

– To live so close to the ocean and the beach

– To “tura”! For a non local “tura” means to travel back and forth by ferry without disembarking between Helsingborg–Helsingør. The ferry ride over to Denmark takes about 20 minutes, but with a “Tura”-ticket you can go back and forth as many times as you like. This is a common way for locals to socialise and hang out with friends.

Rugare speaks passionately about Helsingborg and Sweden. She is very impressed with the international mix of people in the city and the variety of growth opportunities for both business and individuals. Compared to the USA she also finds the work-life balance much healthier in Sweden. Swedes are doers and there is an element of coworking spirit in the Swedish work and study culture that Rugare really appreciates. 

Anything that has surprised you since moving to Helsingborg

Rugare admits that the climate and weather has been one of the things that has surprised her the most. Having spent most part of her life in a tropical climate it is hard to get used to winter and cold. 

The Swedes though are unstoppable, says Rugare and laughs. She is very surprised to see so many people doing activities outside even though it is cold and snowy.  

Another thing that has positively surprised Rugare is the people. She had heard many stories about how reserved the Swedish people are. However, having lived here for six months she would rather call Swedes dignified and authentic than reserved. Swedes have a high level of emotional intelligence and give other people space. What they show is what they are. 

I like that and it makes me feel at home, says Rugare

Could you recommend Helsingborg to other internationals? Why? 

I can 100 % recommend Helsingborg to any other international who is considering moving to Skåne or Sweden. Helsingborg is tied to tradition, but excels in providing an innovative climate where ideas from business, academia and civil society are allowed to blend and create new solutions for a more sustainable city. This is the place to be if you want to contribute to a better tomorrow.